October 23, 2024 Dear Monroe County Board of Elections, In early August, you received a resolution from the Monroe County Republican Party (MCRP) urging you to “conduct a comprehensive review of the current voting system, with a focus on the potential risks associated with electronic voting machines”. In addition, you were requested to “consider alternatives to electronic voting machines, such as paper ballots, which are less susceptible to technological failures and manipulation”. Per the party chair, to date, the receipt of this document has not been acknowledged. Does the Monroe County Board of Elections agree with the concerns of the MCRP? On October 7th, 45 people attended the Board of Elections meeting requesting that the “at least 5%” postelection audit be expanded to include 100% of the ballots. The proposed offer included providing unpaid volunteers so that there would be no additional expense to the county. Again, to date, no response has been provided. Today, we are presenting you with a citizen led petition along with 250 signatures of Monroe County registered voters, all supporting the expansion of the “at least 5%” post-election audit to include 100% of the ballots. In addition, 75 of those in support have indicated they are willing to offer their time and volunteer to help count our ballots. These signatures were obtained within 10 days. We are sending a message, and we hope you hear it loud and clear – we do not trust the machines. Friends and neighbors in this county have experienced votes flipping in recent elections (including the spouse of a county commissioner.) We want increased transparency. We want to know that our votes are not hijacked and that our results are the same as what is reported to Columbus. The interest and engagement in this petition is encouraging. One in three citizens expressing support for this initiative are willing to get involved and give us their time to help count. As the organization entrusted with the integrity of our votes, I am sure you find this encouraging as well. Why wouldn’t the Board of Elections be willing to improve transparency, increase community engagement and confirm the accuracy of our voting process at no additional cost to our county? We are providing copies for all Monroe County Board of Election members and staff. Please verify that all members have received their copies by end of day, Thursday, October 23. We are asking that you respond to our request (supported by 250 of our county’s registered voters) by Monday, October 28, 2024, so we may prepare appropriately. We are copying Ms. Skylar Sobansky of WTOV, the Monroe County Beacon, The Innformer and our county commissioners in the interest of transparency, so everyone is aware of our requests and the high level of support and engagement found within our community. Respectfully, Sarah Arend Monroe County MOVCAC (Motivate – Organize – Volunteer - Citizens Action Coalition) CCVO (Coalition of Concerned Voters of Ohio) Cc: Skylar Sobansky (WTOV) The Innformer Monroe County Beacon Monroe County Commissioners
CCVO Volunteer request Monroe Co. to hand count 100% of ballots
Updated: Nov 7, 2024