Call To Action For CCVO
Change is usually driven by one or two persons who care about a topic and join an existing group or end up starting one themselves. CCVO started that way only a year ago with two founders who wanted to make a change to our election process.
Do You Want To Make A Change In Ohio's Voting System?
Here are some simple steps anyone can take to get started:
Become Aware
Become better aware of the problem with the machines. Educate yourself on their vulnerabilities and security flaws found by experts under the "Machine Findings" section of this website.
​Watch the documentary “Let my People Go” under the Video section of our website
Forward CCVO website address to friends and family
Get Involved
Form a group of like-minded individuals within your church or circle of friends.
Sign up to our email list and our volunteer list so we can keep you updated on our activities as well as breaking news. ​
Attend Board of Elections and County Commissioners meetings to get familiar with the process and eventually start asking some questions.​
Speak to your Ohio State Representative or State Senator about Election Integrity Concerns.​
Donate to CCVO to help with public awareness campaigns, marketing needs and advertising. We receive no compensation and donate all of our time to this effort.
Volunteer Options
CCVO is also always looking for and needing additional volunteers who could assist us in the effort to delete the machines and return to paper hand counting. We could always use help in the following areas.
Researching topics on machines, networks and hand-count ballot issues.
Lend a hand with IT and cyber security expertise.
Cost / Benefit analysis for hand-count ballots.
Research best practices to make transition to Ohio hand counting.
Website design help and maintenance.
Help administer and maintain mailing list, notices, and data entry.